Spring Ice Cream Tour Part A/Connecticut

The Connecticut Portion of Our Trip! I\’m so excited to share our Spring Ice-Cream Tour with you guys. It\’s a road trip that spanned many states and many amazing stops along the way. We stopped in Stamford, Connecticut for 3 days, then New York City for another 3 days, then New Jersey for another 2Continue reading “Spring Ice Cream Tour Part A/Connecticut”

"The Brunch of Queens!"

 The Best Brunch EVER!! Found an amazing brunch spot today hidden in Columbia MD called The Turn House, it\’s tucked away on the grounds of Hobbit\’s Glen Golf Course, at: 11130 Willow Bottom Dr., which I never knew existed. The decor is modern and classy with clean lines, as you walk in there\’s a sleekContinue reading “"The Brunch of Queens!"”

I Answer My Most Asked Question!

This post is sponsored by Sweat Coin, and all opinions and experiences are mine and mine alone! Staying Fit & Healthy!! Hello everyone I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. As most of you know on Instagram I’m known as the Dessert Diva, I also have a crazy sweet tooth. Eating sweets is literallyContinue reading “I Answer My Most Asked Question!”

Brunch on The Avenue

Love me a Good Sunday Brunch! There is a great little spot in Hampden called The Food Market, all in all it\’s not that far from me. I would say its about 15-20 minutes from my house in Randallstown/Owings Mills. It\’s one of my favorite spots, not to mention is flippin\’ amazing, they have theeContinue reading “Brunch on The Avenue”

Our Weekend Getaway to Virginia!!

Virginia Here We Come! Nothing like a relaxing weekend full of fabulousness, it\’s always a MUST to just get away and recharge, there\’s no better place to do so than Virginia. We arrived on Friday afternoon and left on Sunday evening, that way we were able to enjoy the whole weekend. We stayed at LansdowneContinue reading “Our Weekend Getaway to Virginia!!”

Pumpkin Patch Perfection!

Fall Vibes Rock! We had an amazing time at Laugher\’s Orchard last week, it was so full of fun things to eat, pick and see…not to mention pet! It\’s a huge orchard/farm not far from my house in Westminster Md, they grow every kind of fruit and vegetable you can think of, then they haveContinue reading “Pumpkin Patch Perfection!”

The Baltimore Chef Shop!!

Absolutely love this place!! Hey guys!! Sorry I have been a little MIA, not only is October my birth month it’s my favorite time of year because of course FALL IS FABULOUS so I have been taking a bit of a break from work to enjoy it before it\’s gone. I recently went to thee coolest classContinue reading “The Baltimore Chef Shop!!”

My Rainy Trip to NYC!!

I was so bummed that it just did not stop raining from the second we left for NYC, right up until the second we came home. We did get a couple hours of dry weather on the last day, so we rushed to Dumbo Brooklyn to get some of the oh-so-iconic Dumbo Brooklyn Bridge shots.Continue reading “My Rainy Trip to NYC!!”

Baltimore\’s Best!!

Welcome to my Baltimore Faves! I have been living in Baltimore my whole life, and even now I still find new spots to eat, fun places to go and things to do every day. I promised you a tour of my favorite local spots so here she is….ENJOY my beautiful city! Baltimore is ever changingContinue reading “Baltimore\’s Best!!”

How To Make Your Airport Experience that much better!

My AirPort Excursion & Discovering the Airport Sherpa App! Hello Luvs, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!! Now you know when I find amazing local stuff I always share it with you. I had such a great experience today with the coolest app that I found out about while I was in BWIContinue reading “How To Make Your Airport Experience that much better!”